Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Article Marketing Tips - 3 Simple Article Marketing Tips

Once of the best ways to get massive traffic and free
advertising for your website or product is to use the
following article marketing tips.

#1 - Submit to article directories.

This is one of the best article marketing tips you will
read about.

Once you have written your article, you will need to get
the word out about it.

The easiest way to do this is by submitting your article
to an article directory.

Directories are a must have in this list of article
marketing tips.

They get alot of traffic for your article and create the
much needed back links to your website.

Here are a few of the best directories:




#2 - Submit to newsletter publishers.

This is one of the more powerful article marketing tips
and should be used quite often.

Once you have the article ready to go, simply do a search
for newsletters on your subject.

Use http://ezinehub.com

Find 25-30 publishers and contact them. Let them know you
have an informative article that his or her readers would
love and you would like to submit for possible publishing.
Newsletter publishers are always on the lookout for new
and fresh articles that is why this is widely used of all
the article marketing tips.

#3 - Compile your articles into an ebook.

Of all the article marketing tips you will see, this is one
that is used for a very good reason.

You can compile your articles into an ebook, then either
give the ebook away for free or turn it into a full on
product and charge a price for it.

If you have 20-30 articles just sitting there on your
computer wasting space, take them and turn them into an
ebook or free report.

Use them as a give away so others can give them out.
By doing this, you can create a huge virus effect and
drive an insane amount of traffic to your website.

These article marketing tips should be put to use each
and every day for the best results.

Please stay tuned for even more article marketing tips
coming your way very soon.



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