Monday, April 02, 2007

How to Write a Compelling Author Bio

In my previous article I talked about how to structure an article to give the best impression to your readers. In this article I'll talk about how to write a compelling Author Bio.

The Author Biography

This is the most important part of your article. Indeed, it is the ONLY reason for writing the article in the first place if you are writing it for marketing purposes.

Most of the better Article Directories do not allow you to put links in the article itself, so it is in the Author Bio that you insert your links back to your blog or website. Some Article Directories let you link directly to a merchant's page though our main intention is to get readers of our articles back to our site.

So what should you include in your Bio. Let's use "potty training" as an example. Here is the Author Bio:-

"I'm Juliet Author, a full-time mother with 15 children, as well as being an expert in potty training, I have loads of advice to give you on raising children. Visit my blog "Raising Children" and I'll give you my "Free Top Ten Toddler Tips" If you found my easy steps to potty training your baby useful you'll just love my Toddler Tips!"

Let's break that down…

"I'm Juliet Author, a full-time mother with 15 children, as well as being an expert in potty training, I have loads of advice to give you on raising children."

The idea here is to create an air of authority or expertise. A reason for people to trust you.

"Visit my blog "Raising Children" and I'll give you my "Free Top Ten Toddler Tips" "

An invitation to visit the blog and a compelling reason to do so. Note: Both the Blog Name and the Tips are hyperlinked.

"If you found my easy steps to potty training your baby useful you'll just love my Toddler Tips!"

Another invitation to visit and the use of a relevant long tail keyword.

So, to sum up. Your Bio must convey authority or expertise, include a link back to your blog or website and provide a compelling reason for people to visit your blog or website.

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